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The Resident Series is the newest addition to our line up! We wanted to make a call that had all the features of our Signature Series at a fraction of the cost. The Resident Series are casted from our Signature Series, and each is hand poured, one at a time, to ensure the quality we promise. After testing different materials, we decided to use a liquid pearl resin to cast each call. This material provides great durability and sound characteristics.

This call will give you the most DUCK for your dollar. With our unique design and sound, "The Resident" will dominate any other call at this price and rival that of more expensive Acrylic calls.

The Resident Series


Our calls are manufactured to make the most consistent, life like mallard sounds in the field. Attention to call care will ensure the sound performance, as well as prolong the life of the call. The toneboard should be kept clean throughout the season. The cork and reed should be replaced according to the frequency of use. The call should be cleaned after each season with soapy water. Please avoid products containing alcohol, as it can affect the acrylic surfaces.  

You can always CONTACT US to tune your call, at no cost, for the lifetime of your call. We ask that you cover return shipping.  

© 2023 FUSE'd Outdoors, llc

All material and pictures are property of FUSE'd Cajun Calls and

FUSE'd Outdoors llc.

Do not copy or reproduce without permission. All rights reserved.

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